What is cellulite?

Cellulite is simply fat in the “subcutaneous” fat layer; a layer of fat that does not respond to diet and exercise, but is regulated by hormones and genetics. Liposuction does not address this problem. Endermologie helps to roll out the trapped fat, allowing the fat to be flushed out with other toxins.

What does the Food and Drug Administration  (FDA) say about Endermologie?

FDA-cleared claims about Endermologie include the following:

  • Provides a sustained reduction in the appearance of cellulite and circumferential body measurements of cellulite-treated areas for up to 8 months

  • Increases local blood circulation 400%

  • Improves lymphatic circulation 200%

  • Relieves delayed onset of muscle soreness (DOMS) following strenuous workouts by pushing lactic acid out of muscle

  • Rids connective tissue of toxins and excess water (bloat)

  • Softens scar tissue

  • Improves secondary lymphedema

Can diet and exercise remove cellulite?

No. Cellulite is a complex, hereditary issue and must be addressed from the subcutaneous layer to act on fluid retention. While both diet and exercise affect deep fat, they fail to act on the underlying cause of cellulite in the superficial tissue of your skin. Even women who exercise regularly and consume low-fat diets often have cellulite.

Who are the best candidates for cellulite treatment?

The best candidates for Endermologie are men and women who are in good health, have an active daily lifestyle, and possess realistic expectations.

Is Endermologie effective for athletes and physically active adults?

Yes. Endermologie is a state-of-the-art connective-tissue treatment that aids in the rapid removal of lactic acid from muscles. This helps prevent or eliminate soreness and stiffness following rigorous workouts. In addition, Endermologie improves the condition and flexibility of all treated muscles, which helps prevent injuries, improves recovery times from workouts, and reduces the threshold of fatigue.

What is LipoMassage by Endermologie?

LipoMassage by Endermologie is the latest generation of Endermologie treatments that treats localized fat, cellulite and contours in a more targeted way. LipoMassage can produce faster and more specific results. These treatments help those who want to target specific body regions and lose inches and/or cellulite.

Who endorses this product?

Many celebrities rely on and publicly promote Endermologie. Gunnar Peterson – Hollywood’s celebrity trainer to the stars, works with a number of celebrities who use Endermologie: Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Lopez, Matthew McConaughey, Penelope Cruz, Gwen Stefani, Bruce Willis and Sylvester Stallone are just a few celebrities who have spoken positively about Endermologie. Said Peterson: “LipoMassage is the perfect complement to the training I have designed for my celebrity clients. Even with the most specialized exercise, you cannot target specific areas for spot-fat reduction. Diet and exercise help you lose weight, but not necessarily where you want to lose inches; that’s were LipoMassage comes into play,” he said.

Is there a special recommendation to follow during treatment?

Endermologie will help rid your body of undesirable fat deposits and eliminate toxins. It is recommended that clients hydrate often while receiving treatments. The calculation to determine how much water to consume daily: Take your ideal weight and divide that number by two. That is how many ounces of water you should drink daily. It is also recommended to exercise and eat a well-balanced diet.

How is Endermologie different from LipoDissolve or Mesotherapy?

Endermologie is non-invasive, relaxing, and effective. LipoDissolve, a form of Mesotherapy, involves a series of injections into your problem areas (the areas on your body you store fat). Mesotherapy is a medical specialty that involves injecting microscopic quantities of natural extracts, homeopathic agents, pharmaceuticals, and vitamins into the skin. It can be used to eliminate cellulite, promote weight loss, treats aging skin and redundant (sagging) skin, and rejuvenate the hands and neck. Results are comparable to Endermologie but the procedure is more costly. Depending on the area, hundreds of injections may be needed.

Endermologie is an excellent treatment to go alongside Mesotherapy or LipoDissolve. It is recommended that you get endermologie done while you are getting those treatments. They compliment each other very well and when combined you see even greater results!

See Who Westlake Endermologie Recommends for Mesotherapy or LipoDissolve.

How is Endermologie different from Liposuction?

Endermologie is a non-invasive procedure and treatments do not involve breaking the skin in any way. Liposuction is designed to help with body shape and volume but doesn’t reduce the appearance of cellulite. The cellulite may actually become more obvious. Endermologie is an excellent compliment to plastic surgery because it helps to smooth the lumpiness and eliminate any toxins that may be left over from the surgery.

How soon will I see results?

Clients usually notice significant changes within eight sessions and some clients see results even sooner. It is important to continue with your program throughout the entire series so that your results last longer. Many clients continue with a monthly maintenance program. Two to three sessions per week are recommended for the first three weeks, and then one-two times a month for maintenance are recommended for best results.

How long does each session last?

Treatments to improve the texture of your skin last 30-60 minutes and we focus on your targeted areas. Treatment sessions for sports therapy are usually 15-20 minutes depending on the protocol.